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Inicio > Historias > Corriendo por la Sierra de Andújar

Corriendo por la Sierra de Andújar


Despertador a las 7.00 para poder ver las últimas vueltas de Fernando Alonso en el GP de Australia mientras daba cuenta de unas buenas tostadas con miel y un zumo de naranja, ducha rápida y a prepara la mochila, a las 8.00 salgo dirección Andújar para participar en mi primera carrera de montaña con un sol de justicia que hacen necesarias las gafas de sol a tan temprana hora.

Al minuto de llegar a la zona de encuentro aparece Moisés ( gran amigo y astrónomo aficionado al cielo profundo ) con su padre, aparco el coche y este nos lleva a la plaza del ayuntamiento para recoger los dorsales, ya se empieza a notar el ambiente donde aparte de los habituales corredores del Maratón Jaén, La Mella o Caja de Jaén aparecen atletas de Granada o Córdoba, empezamos a charlar sobre las zapatillas de montaña que llevaban la mayoría mientras nos dirigimos al "Café Central", local tomado por corredores charlando y tomando café.

Tras la rutinaria vaselina en las zonas de roce con la camiseta y pantalón calentamos un poco, por supuesto nada que ver con las rectas que se marcaban algunos de los participantes y en las que colocaban las rodillas a una altura digna de vértigo.

Última locura ;-)

Salida neutralizada a la salida del pueblo, lo que conlleva dos kilómetros extra por las calles de Andújar hasta llegar al "Camino del Cementerio" lugar en el que paramos unos minutos y una gran parte de corredores eligen para ahuecar un poco líquido, ahí veo la camiseta de un corredor del "Club Maratón Guadalajara" mientras charlamos con otros corredores pienso en hacer la próxima media de Guada, qué ganas!!!

Los primeros kilómetros pasan rápido con bromas entre corredores y la buena charla, decido reservarme y coger un ritmo suave ya que se avista el perfil amenazante de la montaña, una vez dejamos el camino empieza la ascensión por una vereda, comenzando el "juego", correr se convierte en una sucesión de pequeños saltos para esquivar piedras, incluso a un rebaño de ovejas" y el "pelotón" de corredores se empieza a enfilar, en el primer tramo no se puede progresar ya que es bastante estrecho el paso y se hace de uno en uno, además de que pronto me doy cuenta que las personas que me rodean llevan mi ritmo y más kilómetros que yo en las piernas.

En algunos tramos de gran pendiente el grupo comienza a andar entre fantásticos parajes del parque natural, no se si es por prudencia o por el "embotellamiento" de corredores, pronto comienza la carrera a mandar y junto con el calor va marcando el cuerpo, haciendo daño algunas de las insufribles pendientes. En las últimas cuestas antes de llegar a San Ginés empiezan a haber huecos de varias decenas de metros entre corredores lo que a la vez permite tomar unos sorbos de agua tranquilamente y seguir por la zona con falsos llanos que permitía estirar las piernas tras los diez kilómetros de subida un poco y acelerar el ritmo hasta un cortafuegos con una pendiente bastante considerable antes de llegar al último avituallamiento de la cuesta que me salto por despiste.


Durante el descenso y antes de llegar a la cuesta de El Madroño tengo una buena conversación con un corredor que me indica algunas peculiaridades de esta y me anima a "lanzarme" en el último y pendiente tramo, yo disfruto como un niño saltando, tomando las curvas, aumentando la velocidad, fijándome en como bajan otros corredores, noto como se van cargando los cuádriceps tras los últimos tres kilómetros de extrema pendiente pero justo en ese momento viene un llano que me hace respirar aliviado.

Se hace raro llegar a la zona del "Lugar Nuevo" y coger un tramo de asfalto pasando por el río Jándula aunque en esos momentos la mente de uno tiene un único objetivo, llegar al puesto de avituallamiento y tomar un traguito de agua antes de afrontar la impresionante cuesta de "Los Caracolillos" afortunadamente también tiene fruta que viene de maravilla junto con unos últimos metros de llano entre vegetación ya por un sendero para poder recuperarse tras la bajada.

La cuesta hasta llegar al santuario se presenta imponente y hace bastante daño a las piernas desde las primeras rampas en las que casi arrastrándonos por la montaña vamos progresando, nos juntamos unos cuantos corredores compartiendo maldiciones varias a la pendiente del sendero y recibiendo además los comentarios de los miembros de la organización que nos animan con la poca distancia que queda a la meta.

Terminado el sendero tortuoso tras una zonas con poca pendiente que permiten recuperarse trotando un poco, pasado el último avituallamiento comienza una pista bastante ancha en la que el dolor en las piernas se hace notar, tengo una extraña idea de que el final está más lejos de lo que realmente está y me hace ser conservador cuando un miembro de protección civil me grita !venga que sólo te queda 300 metros! me animo con un buen ritmo con el público que ya se empieza a ver pegada a la carretera y termino los últimos metros con una gran sonrisa para cruzar la línea en 2h13´ saludando a Moisés que me había metido en este hermoso lío de las carreras de montaña y había llegado unos minutos antes.
Saludamos a la familia de Moi y vamos a recoger una taza cerámica de recuerdo y a estirar un poco las piernas que se hace necesario tras los últimos calambres, y como no podía ser de otra forma a tomarnos una buena cerveza bien fresquita aceptando la invitación del padre de Moisés, visitamos el santuario y para casa con una buena sonrisa en la cara rememorando las duras cuestas mientras volvemos por la carretera de la sierra.

2008-03-17 19:13 | 45 Comentarios

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De: Ivan Fecha: 2009-02-12 11:08

Hola Juan,

Soy de madrid y he tenido la suerte de estar dos veces en Andujar, y poder pasear por esa sierra. Estoy pensando en hacer la carrera, corro de vez en cuando pero no soy ni mucho menos un corredor de alto nivel 8 he hecho populares de 10 kilometros y una media el año pasado. No obstante me acojona un poco el recorrdio. ¿crees que una carrera muy dura y exigente? ¿ Hay que estar muy al 100%?, o trotando y andando en las subidas mas duras se puede acabar.

Muchas Gracias

De: JuanJaén Fecha: 2009-02-12 18:39

Buenas Ivan, se puede terminar perfectamente andando en las cuestas más empinadas, de hecho es lo que hace la mayoría de corredores.

Si es bueno practicar bastante la subida de cuestas andando rápido ya que se debe llevar un ritmo fijo para demasiado desgaste.

Con la media ya tienes más que experiencia, yo hice esta prueba antes de mi primera media, en los dos primeros meses de preparación y con algunos kilos de más.

De: Miguel Angel Fecha: 2009-02-20 11:28

Hola Juan.... soy un corredor desde hace poco tiempo, aunque he hecho ya 2 medias este año....Quiero hacer este año la subida al santuario y quisiera que me comentaras si tú has hecho algún tipo de preparación especial..Soy de Jaén y suelo correr mucho por asfalto....

Gracias y un saludo....y por supuesto, me ha encantado tu descripción de la prueba...conozco el camino (lo he hecho varias veces andando...) y me encantaria realizarlo corriendo.....

De: JuanJaén Fecha: 2009-03-05 19:40

Siendo de Jaén la mejor preparación es trotar por los caminos cercanos al neveral, procura hacer alguna tirada larga por esa zona y sin problemas, yo este año estoy flojete y creo que no la haré por la cercanía con la media maratón de Málaga.

Si puedes practica a andar rápido en cuestas muy pronunciadas ya que algunos tramos no permiten correr.

De: selena Fecha: 2011-04-04 21:25

hola tengo miedo de las curvas del santuario de anduja porque el miercoles dia 6 de abril voy a una excursion y tengo miedo
espero que no se tan terrible adios

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Khors Air Customer Service
Kal Star Customer Service
Freedom Air (Guam) Airlines Customer Service
Jubba Airways Customer Service
Solaseed Air Customer Service
Jin Air Flight Customer Service
Wizz Air Customer Service
Jet2 Customer Service
Thomas Cook Airlines Customer Service
Jet Konnect Customer Service
Skytrans Airlines Customer Service
Lydd Air Customer Service
Flysharp Airlines Customer Service
Flyone Airlines Customer Service
Jet Abroad Customer Service
Flynas Airline Customer Service
Flygbra Airlines Customer Service
Fly540 Airline Customer Service
Fly SAX Airline Customer Service
Fly Montserrat Customer Service
Fly Bulgarien Airline Customer Service
FlightNetwork Airline Customer Service Airline Customer Service
Flight Hub Airline Customer Service
Firefly Airline Customer Service
Felix Airways Customer Service
Federal Airlines Customer Service
Fare Geek Airline Customer Service
Fare Depot Airline Customer Service
Equatorial Congo Airlines Customer Service
EmailFlights Customer Service
Elysian Airlines Customer Service
Elite Airways Customer Service
Edelweiss Airlines Customer Service
Easyfly Airline Customer Service
Eastern Airways Customer Service
Druk Air Customer Service
DOT LT Airlines Customer Service
Donghai Airlines Customer Service

PC Matic Customer Service
Windows Defender Customer Service
Tizer Secure Antivirus Customer Service
Zonealarm antivirus customer service
Clamwin antivirus customer service
Max secure antivirus customer service
G Data antivirus customer service
Protector antivirus customer service
Bullguard antivirus customer service
F Secure antivirus customer service
My Free antivirus customer service
Trustport antivirus customer service
Ashampoo antivirus customer service
Coranti antivirus customer service
Fsb antivirus customer service
Drive sentry antivirus customer service
Paretologic antivirus customer service
Zillya antivirus customer service
Eacceleration antivirus customer service
Bluepoint security antivirus customer service
Csam antivirus customer service
System shield customer service
Virobot internet security customer service
Arcabit antivirus customer service
Clamav antivirus customer service
Anvi rescue disk support customer service
Shortcut virus remover customer service
Malware hunter customer service
Smadav antivirus customer service
Vexira antivirus customer service
Rising antivirus customer service
Vba32 antivirus customer service
Ad aware antivirus customer service
Twister antivirus customer service
Solo antivirus customer service
Forticlient antivirus customer service
eset antivirus customer service
Trend micro customer service
F prot antivirus customer service
Norman antivirus customer service
Digital defender antivirus customer service
Dr web antivirus customer service
Comodo antivirus customer service
Escan antivirus customer service
K7 antivirus customer service
Digital patrol antivirus customer service
Emsisoft antivirus customer sevice
Immunet antivirus customer service
Quick heal antivirus customer service
Bitdefender antivirus customer service
Kingsoft antivirus customer service
Kaseya customer service
Ca computer customer service
Avg linux server edition antivirus customer service
Bok financial customer service
First citizen bank customer service
raymond james bank customer service
John deere bank customer service
mizuho americas customer service
Cit bank customer service
Zions bank antivirus customer service
Comerica care customer service
Synchrony verified customer service
huntington bank customer service
How to connect dell laptop to wifi
how to fix epson workforce wf 3620 printer error code 0x97
how to fix epson printer error code 0xf1
Vivint Ping One-Touch Call Out, Two-Way Talk Camera.
The New Vivint Outdoor Camera.
Vivint Pan & Tilt Camera.
How to setup wireless printer?
M&T Bank Customer Service
Santander Bank Customer Service
KeyBank Customer Service
BNP Paribas Group Customer Service
UBS Customer Service
Fifth Third Bank Customer Service
U.S. Bank Customer Service
Ucard Chase Customer Service
Onevanilla Customer Service
Eppicard Indiana Customer Service
Ally Customer Service
American Express Customer Service
Barclays Bank Customer Service
Deutsche Bank Customer Service
SunTrust Bank Customer Service
Credit Suisse Customer Service
Charles Schwab Customer Service
BB&T Bank Customer Service
State Street Customer Service
HSBC Bank Customer Service
TD Bank Customer Service
BNY Mellon Customer Service
PNC Bank Customer Service
Morgan Stanley Bank Customer Service
Netscape Mail Customer Service
Oceantiger Mail Customer Service
Opera Mail customer service
Pegasus Mail Customer Service
PocoMail customer service
Polymail Customer Service
Pop Peeper Mail Customer Service
Postbox Mail Customer Service
Proton Mail customer service
RMail Customer Service
SeaMonkey Mail Customer Service
Sendinc Mail Customer Service

Squirrel Mail Customer Service
Sylpheed Mail Customer Service
The Bat! Mail Customer Service
Trojita Mail Customer Service
Tutanota Mail Customer Service
Worldclient Private Mail Customer Service
Yandex Mail Customer Service
Zimbra Desktop Mail Customer Service
Nylas Mail Customer Service
Mutt E-Mail Customer Service
Mulberry Mail Customer Service
Thunderbird Mail Customer service
Modest Mail Customer Service
Microsoft Office 365 Mail Customer Service
Mailpile Support Mail Customer Cervice
Mailfence Mail Customer Service
Mailbird Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Mail Pilot Mail Customer Service
Macallan Mail Customer Service
Libreoffice Email Customer Service
KMail Customer Service
Koma Mail Customer Service
K-9 Mail Customer Service
Inky Mail Customer Service
Ininbox Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Inbox by gmail Customer Service
IBM Notes Formerly Mail Customer Service
Scribe Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Hiri Mail Customer Service
Gnus Mail Customer Service
GNUMail Customer Service
GMX Mail Customer Service
Geary Mail Customer Service
Mail commander Customer Service
Foxmail Customer Service
Forte Agent Mail Customer Service
Fog City Mail Customer Service
First Class Mail Customer Service
EmailTray Customer Service
eM Mail Customer Service
Elm Mail Customer Service
Edison Mail Customer Service
CounterMail Customer Service
Courier Mail Customer Service
Newton Mail Customer Service
Claws Mail Customer Service
Blitz Mail Customer Number
Becky Mail Customer Service
Balsa Mail Customer Service
Apple Mail Customer Service
AOL Mail Customer Service
Alto Mail Customer Number
Alpine Mail Customer Service
Airmail Customer Service
Atmail Customer Service
Gmail Customer Service
XgenPlus Email Customer Service
Windows Live Mail Customer Service
Roundcube Email Customer Service
PineMail Customer Service
Outlook Mail Customer Service

Air Carnival Airlines Customer Service
Air Costa Airlines Customer Service
Air India Airlines Customer Service

Air Odisha Customer Service
GoAir Customer Service
Blue Dart Aviation Customer Service
Club One Air Customer Service
Himalaya Airlines Customer Service
IndiGo Airlines Customer Service
Zoom Air Airlines Customer Service

Pinnacle Air Customer Service
Vistara Airlines Customer Service
Quikjet Airlines Customer Service
TajAir Phone Customer Service
Starbow Airlines Customer Service
Calm Air Customer Customer Service
Qantas Customer Customer Service
UM Airlines Customer Service
TUI Airlines Customer Service
Welcome Air Customer Service
Ukraine International Airlines Customer Service
Taban Air Customer Service
SeaPort Airlines Service
Qeshm Air Customer Service

LAM Mozambique Customer service
Kish Air Customer service
Tibet Airlines Customer service
Okay Airways Customer Service
Yakutia Airlines Customer Service
T’way Airlines Customer Service
TACV Airlines Customer Service
Shaheen Air Customer Service
NordStar Airlines Customer Service
Active Aero Customer Service
Aer Lingus Customer Service
Aeroflot Customer Service
Aerolineas Argentinas Customer Service
Aeromexico Airlines Customer Service
Aeropostal Customer Service
Air Aruba Customer Service
Air Berlin Customer Service
Air Botswana Customer Service
Air Caledonie Customer Service
Air Canada Customer Service
Air Europa Customer Service
Air Fiji Customer Service
Air Jamaica Customer Service
Air Kenya Customer Service
Air Madagascar Customer Service
Air Malta Customer Service
Air Mauritius Customer Service
Air Namibia Customer Service
Air New Zealand Customer Service
Air North Airlines Customer Service
Air Portugal Customer Service
Air Sunshine Customer Service
Air Tahiti Nui Customer Service
Air Transat Customer Service
AirTran Airways Customer Service
Air Vegas Customer Service
Air Zimbabwe Customer Service
Alitalia Customer Service
All Nippon Customer Service
Aloha Air Customer Service
America West Airlines Customer Service

Jazeera Airways Customer Service
Izhavia Airlines Customer Service
InterJet Airlines Customer Service
Insel Air Airlines Customer Service
HOP Airlines Customer Service
Hoga Kusten Flyg Airlines Customer Service
Nextjet Customer Service
Helvetic Airways Customer Service
Perimeter Aviation Customer Service
Passaredo Linhas Aéreas Customer Service
Opodo Customer Service
Skymark Airlines Customer Service
OpenSkies Customer Service
Helijet Airlines Customer Service
Hebei Airlines Customer Service
Sky Airline Customer Service
Silver Air Elba Customer Service
Onur Air Customer Service
Hapagfly Airlines Customer Service
Rutaca Customer Service
Grant Aviation Airlines Customer Service
PNG Airlines Customer Service
PIA Customer Service
Eva Air Customer Service
Virgin Australia Airlines Customer Service
Virgin Atlantic Customer Service
Air Canada Customer Service Customer Service
Nordwind Customer Servcie
Grand China Air Airlines Customer Service
Nok Air Customer Service
Twin Jet Airlines Customer Service
Umeaflyg Customer Service
Golden Myanmar Airlines Customer Service
NetFlights Customer Service
Neos Air Customer Servcie
Up Airlines Customer Service
Ural Airlines Customer Service
Vanilla Air Customer Service
Motor Sich Airlines Customer Service
Gol Transportes Aéreos Airlines Customer Service
Global Aviation and Services Group Airlines Customer Service
Mombasa Air Safari Customer Service
Air Vanuatu Customer Service
Venezolana Customer Service
Germania Airlines Customer Service
Meridiana Customer Service
Mango Customer Service
Major travel Customer Service
Gazpromavia Airlines Customer Service
Fuji Dream Airlines Customer Service
Tripair Airlines Customer Service
Luxair Flight Customer Service
Tradewind Aviation Customer service
Volaris Airlines Customer Service
Super Saver Airlines Customer Service
LAM Mozambique Airlines Customer Service
La Compagnie Customer Service
Volotea Airlines Customer Service
Kunming Airlines Customer Service
Frenchbee Airlines Customer Service
Sounds Air Customer Service
Windrose Airlines Customer Service
Khors Air Customer Service
Kal Star Customer Service
Freedom Air (Guam) Airlines Customer Service
Jubba Airways Customer Service
Solaseed Air Customer Service
Jin Air Flight Customer Service
Wizz Air Customer Service
Jet2 Customer Service
Thomas Cook Airlines Customer Service
Jet Konnect Customer Service
Skytrans Airlines Customer Service
Lydd Air Customer Service
Flysharp Airlines Customer Service
Flyone Airlines Customer Service
Jet Abroad Customer Service
Flynas Airline Customer Service
Flygbra Airlines Customer Service
Fly540 Airline Customer Service
Fly SAX Airline Customer Service
Fly Montserrat Customer Service
Fly Bulgarien Airline Customer Service
FlightNetwork Airline Customer Service Airline Customer Service
Flight Hub Airline Customer Service
Firefly Airline Customer Service
Felix Airways Customer Service
Federal Airlines Customer Service
Fare Geek Airline Customer Service
Fare Depot Airline Customer Service
Equatorial Congo Airlines Customer Service
EmailFlights Customer Service
Elysian Airlines Customer Service
Elite Airways Customer Service
Edelweiss Airlines Customer Service
Easyfly Airline Customer Service
Eastern Airways Customer Service
Druk Air Customer Service
DOT LT Airlines Customer Service
Donghai Airlines Customer Service

De: felix1seid Fecha: 2019-02-14 09:56

PC Matic Customer Service
Windows Defender Customer Service
Tizer Secure Antivirus Customer Service
Zonealarm antivirus customer service
Clamwin antivirus customer service
Max secure antivirus customer service
G Data antivirus customer service
Protector antivirus customer service
Bullguard antivirus customer service
F Secure antivirus customer service
My Free antivirus customer service
Trustport antivirus customer service
Ashampoo antivirus customer service
Coranti antivirus customer service
Fsb antivirus customer service
Drive sentry antivirus customer service
Paretologic antivirus customer service
Zillya antivirus customer service
Eacceleration antivirus customer service
Bluepoint security antivirus customer service
Csam antivirus customer service
System shield customer service
Virobot internet security customer service
Arcabit antivirus customer service
Clamav antivirus customer service
Anvi rescue disk support customer service
Shortcut virus remover customer service
Malware hunter customer service
Smadav antivirus customer service
Vexira antivirus customer service
Rising antivirus customer service
Vba32 antivirus customer service
Ad aware antivirus customer service
Twister antivirus customer service
Solo antivirus customer service
Forticlient antivirus customer service
eset antivirus customer service
Trend micro customer service
F prot antivirus customer service
Norman antivirus customer service
Digital defender antivirus customer service
Dr web antivirus customer service
Comodo antivirus customer service
Escan antivirus customer service
K7 antivirus customer service
Digital patrol antivirus customer service
Emsisoft antivirus customer sevice
Immunet antivirus customer service
Quick heal antivirus customer service
Bitdefender antivirus customer service
Kingsoft antivirus customer service
Kaseya customer service
Ca computer customer service
Avg linux server edition antivirus customer service
Bok financial customer service
First citizen bank customer service
raymond james bank customer service
John deere bank customer service
mizuho americas customer service
Cit bank customer service
Zions bank antivirus customer service
Comerica care customer service
Synchrony verified customer service
huntington bank customer service
How to connect dell laptop to wifi
how to fix epson workforce wf 3620 printer error code 0x97
how to fix epson printer error code 0xf1
Vivint Ping One-Touch Call Out, Two-Way Talk Camera.
The New Vivint Outdoor Camera.
Vivint Pan & Tilt Camera.
How to setup wireless printer?
M&T Bank Customer Service
Santander Bank Customer Service
KeyBank Customer Service
BNP Paribas Group Customer Service
UBS Customer Service
Fifth Third Bank Customer Service
U.S. Bank Customer Service
Ucard Chase Customer Service
Onevanilla Customer Service
Eppicard Indiana Customer Service
Ally Customer Service
American Express Customer Service
Barclays Bank Customer Service
Deutsche Bank Customer Service
SunTrust Bank Customer Service
Credit Suisse Customer Service
Charles Schwab Customer Service
BB&T Bank Customer Service
State Street Customer Service
HSBC Bank Customer Service
TD Bank Customer Service
BNY Mellon Customer Service
PNC Bank Customer Service
Morgan Stanley Bank Customer Service
Netscape Mail Customer Service
Oceantiger Mail Customer Service
Opera Mail customer service
Pegasus Mail Customer Service
PocoMail customer service
Polymail Customer Service
Pop Peeper Mail Customer Service
Postbox Mail Customer Service
Proton Mail customer service
RMail Customer Service
SeaMonkey Mail Customer Service
Sendinc Mail Customer Service

Squirrel Mail Customer Service
Sylpheed Mail Customer Service
The Bat! Mail Customer Service
Trojita Mail Customer Service
Tutanota Mail Customer Service
Worldclient Private Mail Customer Service
Yandex Mail Customer Service
Zimbra Desktop Mail Customer Service
Nylas Mail Customer Service
Mutt E-Mail Customer Service
Mulberry Mail Customer Service
Thunderbird Mail Customer service
Modest Mail Customer Service
Microsoft Office 365 Mail Customer Service
Mailpile Support Mail Customer Cervice
Mailfence Mail Customer Service
Mailbird Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Mail Pilot Mail Customer Service
Macallan Mail Customer Service
Libreoffice Email Customer Service
KMail Customer Service
Koma Mail Customer Service
K-9 Mail Customer Service
Inky Mail Customer Service
Ininbox Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Inbox by gmail Customer Service
IBM Notes Formerly Mail Customer Service
Scribe Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Hiri Mail Customer Service
Gnus Mail Customer Service
GNUMail Customer Service
GMX Mail Customer Service
Geary Mail Customer Service
Mail commander Customer Service
Foxmail Customer Service
Forte Agent Mail Customer Service
Fog City Mail Customer Service
First Class Mail Customer Service
EmailTray Customer Service
eM Mail Customer Service
Elm Mail Customer Service
Edison Mail Customer Service
CounterMail Customer Service
Courier Mail Customer Service
Newton Mail Customer Service
Claws Mail Customer Service
Blitz Mail Customer Number
Becky Mail Customer Service
Balsa Mail Customer Service
Apple Mail Customer Service
AOL Mail Customer Service
Alto Mail Customer Number
Alpine Mail Customer Service
Airmail Customer Service
Atmail Customer Service
Gmail Customer Service
XgenPlus Email Customer Service
Windows Live Mail Customer Service
Roundcube Email Customer Service
PineMail Customer Service
Outlook Mail Customer Service

Air Carnival Airlines Customer Service
Air Costa Airlines Customer Service
Air India Airlines Customer Service

Air Odisha Customer Service
GoAir Customer Service
Blue Dart Aviation Customer Service
Club One Air Customer Service
Himalaya Airlines Customer Service
IndiGo Airlines Customer Service
Zoom Air Airlines Customer Service

Pinnacle Air Customer Service
Vistara Airlines Customer Service
Quikjet Airlines Customer Service
TajAir Phone Customer Service
Starbow Airlines Customer Service
Calm Air Customer Customer Service
Qantas Customer Customer Service
UM Airlines Customer Service
TUI Airlines Customer Service
Welcome Air Customer Service
Ukraine International Airlines Customer Service
Taban Air Customer Service
SeaPort Airlines Service
Qeshm Air Customer Service

LAM Mozambique Customer service
Kish Air Customer service
Tibet Airlines Customer service
Okay Airways Customer Service
Yakutia Airlines Customer Service
T’way Airlines Customer Service
TACV Airlines Customer Service
Shaheen Air Customer Service
NordStar Airlines Customer Service
Active Aero Customer Service
Aer Lingus Customer Service
Aeroflot Customer Service
Aerolineas Argentinas Customer Service
Aeromexico Airlines Customer Service
Aeropostal Customer Service
Air Aruba Customer Service
Air Berlin Customer Service
Air Botswana Customer Service
Air Caledonie Customer Service
Air Canada Customer Service
Air Europa Customer Service
Air Fiji Customer Service
Air Jamaica Customer Service
Air Kenya Customer Service
Air Madagascar Customer Service
Air Malta Customer Service
Air Mauritius Customer Service
Air Namibia Customer Service
Air New Zealand Customer Service
Air North Airlines Customer Service
Air Portugal Customer Service
Air Sunshine Customer Service
Air Tahiti Nui Customer Service
Air Transat Customer Service
AirTran Airways Customer Service
Air Vegas Customer Service
Air Zimbabwe Customer Service
Alitalia Customer Service
All Nippon Customer Service
Aloha Air Customer Service
America West Airlines Customer Service

Jazeera Airways Customer Service
Izhavia Airlines Customer Service
InterJet Airlines Customer Service
Insel Air Airlines Customer Service
HOP Airlines Customer Service
Hoga Kusten Flyg Airlines Customer Service
Nextjet Customer Service
Helvetic Airways Customer Service
Perimeter Aviation Customer Service
Passaredo Linhas Aéreas Customer Service
Opodo Customer Service
Skymark Airlines Customer Service
OpenSkies Customer Service
Helijet Airlines Customer Service
Hebei Airlines Customer Service
Sky Airline Customer Service
Silver Air Elba Customer Service
Onur Air Customer Service
Hapagfly Airlines Customer Service
Rutaca Customer Service
Grant Aviation Airlines Customer Service
PNG Airlines Customer Service
PIA Customer Service
Eva Air Customer Service
Virgin Australia Airlines Customer Service
Virgin Atlantic Customer Service
Air Canada Customer Service Customer Service
Nordwind Customer Servcie
Grand China Air Airlines Customer Service
Nok Air Customer Service
Twin Jet Airlines Customer Service
Umeaflyg Customer Service
Golden Myanmar Airlines Customer Service
NetFlights Customer Service
Neos Air Customer Servcie
Up Airlines Customer Service
Ural Airlines Customer Service
Vanilla Air Customer Service
Motor Sich Airlines Customer Service
Gol Transportes Aéreos Airlines Customer Service
Global Aviation and Services Group Airlines Customer Service
Mombasa Air Safari Customer Service
Air Vanuatu Customer Service
Venezolana Customer Service
Germania Airlines Customer Service
Meridiana Customer Service
Mango Customer Service
Major travel Customer Service
Gazpromavia Airlines Customer Service
Fuji Dream Airlines Customer Service
Tripair Airlines Customer Service
Luxair Flight Customer Service
Tradewind Aviation Customer service
Volaris Airlines Customer Service
Super Saver Airlines Customer Service
LAM Mozambique Airlines Customer Service
La Compagnie Customer Service
Volotea Airlines Customer Service
Kunming Airlines Customer Service
Frenchbee Airlines Customer Service
Sounds Air Customer Service
Windrose Airlines Customer Service
Khors Air Customer Service
Kal Star Customer Service
Freedom Air (Guam) Airlines Customer Service
Jubba Airways Customer Service
Solaseed Air Customer Service
Jin Air Flight Customer Service
Wizz Air Customer Service
Jet2 Customer Service
Thomas Cook Airlines Customer Service
Jet Konnect Customer Service
Skytrans Airlines Customer Service
Lydd Air Customer Service
Flysharp Airlines Customer Service
Flyone Airlines Customer Service
Jet Abroad Customer Service
Flynas Airline Customer Service
Flygbra Airlines Customer Service
Fly540 Airline Customer Service
Fly SAX Airline Customer Service
Fly Montserrat Customer Service
Fly Bulgarien Airline Customer Service
FlightNetwork Airline Customer Service Airline Customer Service
Flight Hub Airline Customer Service
Firefly Airline Customer Service
Felix Airways Customer Service
Federal Airlines Customer Service
Fare Geek Airline Customer Service
Fare Depot Airline Customer Service
Equatorial Congo Airlines Customer Service
EmailFlights Customer Service
Elysian Airlines Customer Service
Elite Airways Customer Service
Edelweiss Airlines Customer Service
Easyfly Airline Customer Service
Eastern Airways Customer Service
Druk Air Customer Service
DOT LT Airlines Customer Service
Donghai Airlines Customer Service

PC Matic Customer Service
Windows Defender Customer Service
Tizer Secure Antivirus Customer Service
Zonealarm antivirus customer service
Clamwin antivirus customer service
Max secure antivirus customer service
G Data antivirus customer service
Protector antivirus customer service
Bullguard antivirus customer service
F Secure antivirus customer service
My Free antivirus customer service
Trustport antivirus customer service
Ashampoo antivirus customer service
Coranti antivirus customer service
Fsb antivirus customer service
Drive sentry antivirus customer service
Paretologic antivirus customer service
Zillya antivirus customer service
Eacceleration antivirus customer service
Bluepoint security antivirus customer service
Csam antivirus customer service
System shield customer service
Virobot internet security customer service
Arcabit antivirus customer service
Clamav antivirus customer service
Anvi rescue disk support customer service
Shortcut virus remover customer service
Malware hunter customer service
Smadav antivirus customer service
Vexira antivirus customer service
Rising antivirus customer service
Vba32 antivirus customer service
Ad aware antivirus customer service
Twister antivirus customer service
Solo antivirus customer service
Forticlient antivirus customer service
eset antivirus customer service
Trend micro customer service
F prot antivirus customer service
Norman antivirus customer service
Digital defender antivirus customer service
Dr web antivirus customer service
Comodo antivirus customer service
Escan antivirus customer service
K7 antivirus customer service
Digital patrol antivirus customer service
Emsisoft antivirus customer sevice
Immunet antivirus customer service
Quick heal antivirus customer service
Bitdefender antivirus customer service
Kingsoft antivirus customer service
Kaseya customer service
Ca computer customer service
Avg linux server edition antivirus customer service
Bok financial customer service
First citizen bank customer service
raymond james bank customer service
John deere bank customer service
mizuho americas customer service
Cit bank customer service
Zions bank antivirus customer service
Comerica care customer service
Synchrony verified customer service
huntington bank customer service
How to connect dell laptop to wifi
how to fix epson workforce wf 3620 printer error code 0x97
how to fix epson printer error code 0xf1
Vivint Ping One-Touch Call Out, Two-Way Talk Camera.
The New Vivint Outdoor Camera.
Vivint Pan & Tilt Camera.
How to setup wireless printer?
M&T Bank Customer Service
Santander Bank Customer Service
KeyBank Customer Service
BNP Paribas Group Customer Service
UBS Customer Service
Fifth Third Bank Customer Service
U.S. Bank Customer Service
Ucard Chase Customer Service
Onevanilla Customer Service
Eppicard Indiana Customer Service
Ally Customer Service
American Express Customer Service
Barclays Bank Customer Service
Deutsche Bank Customer Service
SunTrust Bank Customer Service
Credit Suisse Customer Service
Charles Schwab Customer Service
BB&T Bank Customer Service
State Street Customer Service
HSBC Bank Customer Service
TD Bank Customer Service
BNY Mellon Customer Service
PNC Bank Customer Service
Morgan Stanley Bank Customer Service
Netscape Mail Customer Service
Oceantiger Mail Customer Service
Opera Mail customer service
Pegasus Mail Customer Service
PocoMail customer service
Polymail Customer Service
Pop Peeper Mail Customer Service
Postbox Mail Customer Service
Proton Mail customer service
RMail Customer Service
SeaMonkey Mail Customer Service
Sendinc Mail Customer Service

Squirrel Mail Customer Service
Sylpheed Mail Customer Service
The Bat! Mail Customer Service
Trojita Mail Customer Service
Tutanota Mail Customer Service
Worldclient Private Mail Customer Service
Yandex Mail Customer Service
Zimbra Desktop Mail Customer Service
Nylas Mail Customer Service
Mutt E-Mail Customer Service
Mulberry Mail Customer Service
Thunderbird Mail Customer service
Modest Mail Customer Service
Microsoft Office 365 Mail Customer Service
Mailpile Support Mail Customer Cervice
Mailfence Mail Customer Service
Mailbird Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Mail Pilot Mail Customer Service
Macallan Mail Customer Service
Libreoffice Email Customer Service
KMail Customer Service
Koma Mail Customer Service
K-9 Mail Customer Service
Inky Mail Customer Service
Ininbox Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Inbox by gmail Customer Service
IBM Notes Formerly Mail Customer Service
Scribe Mail Customer Service Customer Service
Hiri Mail Customer Service
Gnus Mail Customer Service
GNUMail Customer Service
GMX Mail Customer Service
Geary Mail Customer Service
Mail commander Customer Service
Foxmail Customer Service
Forte Agent Mail Customer Service
Fog City Mail Customer Service
First Class Mail Customer Service
EmailTray Customer Service
eM Mail Customer Service
Elm Mail Customer Service
Edison Mail Customer Service
CounterMail Customer Service
Courier Mail Customer Service
Newton Mail Customer Service
Claws Mail Customer Service
Blitz Mail Customer Number
Becky Mail Customer Service
Balsa Mail Customer Service
Apple Mail Customer Service
AOL Mail Customer Service
Alto Mail Customer Number
Alpine Mail Customer Service
Airmail Customer Service
Atmail Customer Service
Gmail Customer Service
XgenPlus Email Customer Service
Windows Live Mail Customer Service
Roundcube Email Customer Service
PineMail Customer Service
Outlook Mail Customer Service

Air Carnival Airlines Customer Service
Air Costa Airlines Customer Service
Air India Airlines Customer Service

Air Odisha Customer Service
GoAir Customer Service
Blue Dart Aviation Customer Service
Club One Air Customer Service
Himalaya Airlines Customer Service
IndiGo Airlines Customer Service
Zoom Air Airlines Customer Service

Pinnacle Air Customer Service
Vistara Airlines Customer Service
Quikjet Airlines Customer Service
TajAir Phone Customer Service
Starbow Airlines Customer Service
Calm Air Customer Customer Service
Qantas Customer Customer Service
UM Airlines Customer Service
TUI Airlines Customer Service
Welcome Air Customer Service
Ukraine International Airlines Customer Service
Taban Air Customer Service
SeaPort Airlines Service
Qeshm Air Customer Service

LAM Mozambique Customer service
Kish Air Customer service
Tibet Airlines Customer service
Okay Airways Customer Service
Yakutia Airlines Customer Service
T’way Airlines Customer Service
TACV Airlines Customer Service
Shaheen Air Customer Service
NordStar Airlines Customer Service
Active Aero Customer Service
Aer Lingus Customer Service
Aeroflot Customer Service
Aerolineas Argentinas Customer Service
Aeromexico Airlines Customer Service
Aeropostal Customer Service
Air Aruba Customer Service
Air Berlin Customer Service
Air Botswana Customer Service
Air Caledonie Customer Service
Air Canada Customer Service
Air Europa Customer Service
Air Fiji Customer Service
Air Jamaica Customer Service
Air Kenya Customer Service
Air Madagascar Customer Service
Air Malta Customer Service
Air Mauritius Customer Service
Air Namibia Customer Service
Air New Zealand Customer Service
Air North Airlines Customer Service
Air Portugal Customer Service
Air Sunshine Customer Service
Air Tahiti Nui Customer Service
Air Transat Customer Service
AirTran Airways Customer Service
Air Vegas Customer Service
Air Zimbabwe Customer Service
Alitalia Customer Service
All Nippon Customer Service
Aloha Air Customer Service
America West Airlines Customer Service

Jazeera Airways Customer Service
Izhavia Airlines Customer Service
InterJet Airlines Customer Service
Insel Air Airlines Customer Service
HOP Airlines Customer Service
Hoga Kusten Flyg Airlines Customer Service
Nextjet Customer Service
Helvetic Airways Customer Service
Perimeter Aviation Customer Service
Passaredo Linhas Aéreas Customer Service
Opodo Customer Service
Skymark Airlines Customer Service
OpenSkies Customer Service
Helijet Airlines Customer Service
Hebei Airlines Customer Service
Sky Airline Customer Service
Silver Air Elba Customer Service
Onur Air Customer Service
Hapagfly Airlines Customer Service
Rutaca Customer Service
Grant Aviation Airlines Customer Service
PNG Airlines Customer Service
PIA Customer Service
Eva Air Customer Service
Virgin Australia Airlines Customer Service
Virgin Atlantic Customer Service
Air Canada Customer Service Customer Service
Nordwind Customer Servcie
Grand China Air Airlines Customer Service
Nok Air Customer Service
Twin Jet Airlines Customer Service
Umeaflyg Customer Service
Golden Myanmar Airlines Customer Service
NetFlights Customer Service
Neos Air Customer Servcie
Up Airlines Customer Service
Ural Airlines Customer Service
Vanilla Air Customer Service
Motor Sich Airlines Customer Service
Gol Transportes Aéreos Airlines Customer Service
Global Aviation and Services Group Airlines Customer Service
Mombasa Air Safari Customer Service
Air Vanuatu Customer Service
Venezolana Customer Service
Germania Airlines Customer Service
Meridiana Customer Service
Mango Customer Service
Major travel Customer Service
Gazpromavia Airlines Customer Service
Fuji Dream Airlines Customer Service
Tripair Airlines Customer Service
Luxair Flight Customer Service
Tradewind Aviation Customer service
Volaris Airlines Customer Service
Super Saver Airlines Customer Service
LAM Mozambique Airlines Customer Service
La Compagnie Customer Service
Volotea Airlines Customer Service
Kunming Airlines Customer Service
Frenchbee Airlines Customer Service
Sounds Air Customer Service
Windrose Airlines Customer Service
Khors Air Customer Service
Kal Star Customer Service
Freedom Air (Guam) Airlines Customer Service
Jubba Airways Customer Service
Solaseed Air Customer Service
Jin Air Flight Customer Service
Wizz Air Customer Service
Jet2 Customer Service
Thomas Cook Airlines Customer Service
Jet Konnect Customer Service
Skytrans Airlines Customer Service
Lydd Air Customer Service
Flysharp Airlines Customer Service
Flyone Airlines Customer Service
Jet Abroad Customer Service
Flynas Airline Customer Service
Flygbra Airlines Customer Service
Fly540 Airline Customer Service
Fly SAX Airline Customer Service
Fly Montserrat Customer Service
Fly Bulgarien Airline Customer Service
FlightNetwork Airline Customer Service Airline Customer Service
Flight Hub Airline Customer Service
Firefly Airline Customer Service
Felix Airways Customer Service
Federal Airlines Customer Service
Fare Geek Airline Customer Service
Fare Depot Airline Customer Service
Equatorial Congo Airlines Customer Service
EmailFlights Customer Service
Elysian Airlines Customer Service
Elite Airways Customer Service
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